Can I track the frequency of my running routes in addition to last year's if/else boolean qualifier?

# Data Visualization, Running, Nike+


I like to run, but like most people, I have trouble with the motivation. I found that setting goals and tracking them help me maintain interest. In the past I had tracked only miles, but was interested to see where I ran and how frequently I ran there.

Currently my process is not as automated as I would like. I track as much data from my runs as I can using my Nike+ SportWatch. Next, because Nike development doesn’t let me have easy access to my own data, I manually transfer the time and distance values to a Google spreadsheet and the running routes to an Illustrator file. I then save a single image file of my route tracking and dump it into a container on my current run tracking website.

The improvement I made to the 2016 run data collecting is the ability to see how frequently I run on various roads. The more opaque a running route becomes, the more I have been on that portion of roadway. This helps add a layer of information in addition to simply whether or not I have run on a road or not.

Visit pseudosuede.com/2016running for the in progress version.


  1. Can I can eliminate the manual map making portion of this data collection?
  2. Can I use DJ.js to plot route data to a map?
  3. Keep checking to see if Nike changes their policy since I do already own the watch.

Checklist Tests

I’m still investigating the possibilities.

Research / Citations

Data Visualizations using Canvas on noceilings.org.

D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.